At KDC, we believe in taking our corporate responsibility very seriously. We have always believed that we all have an obligation to the community in which we operate.
Our approach and actions are embedded with the sensitive corporate responsibility values we pursue. The firm’s corporate social responsibility activities focus on 3 key areas:
1. Charity and community
We are committed to supporting our local communities and charities through direct financial support, volunteering and other activities.
The charities we currently support are:
‘‘KEPAKY’’ is a nongovernmental charitable foundation registered with the Associations and Foundations Law of 1972 with registration no. 268. Its main goal is to provide financial and social assistance to different social groups or individuals who are in need of socio-economic aid.
In more words, some of the objectives of the foundation are: To organize of multiple programs against the problem of drug abuse, to provide financial assistance to non-profitable voluntary organizations whose aim is to help children suffering from rare and/or incurable illnesses, to give grants in the form of scholarships to the destitute and postgraduate students of Higher Institutions from dysfunctional families and to distinguished students who wish to gain a Postgraduate Degree but face socio-economic difficulties.
2. Our People
We provide all our employees with clear and fair terms of employment in accordance with all relevant and applicable employment laws, staff manual, ethics codes and entry forms. We aim to be a great place to work where everyone can develop skills, advance their careers and maximize their potential.
Our employees regardless of their color, race, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or age are treated fairly and honestly and enjoy equal opportunities.
The Company recognizes the importance of providing excellent working conditions which promote good health, team spirit and safety.
3. Environment
KDC is committed to reduce the impact of its activities on the environment.
This includes:
i. Having a designated Environmental Officer in the office to promote and encourage the environmentally friendly behavior- (Andrea Koutsouli) who can be reached at
ii. Having recycling machines in the office
iii. Monitoring energy consumption across the firm
iv. Including a friendly environment note in all our emails
v. seeking to minimize the use of paper by the use of electronic scanning and storage